Monday, May 09, 2005

The Goddess NASA

The BWD in 2003
July 3

The Goddess NASA

The Goddess Nasa is a two faced goddess. One face looks to the vast expanses of sky, and pursues discovery and adventure. This benevolent aspect projects her valuable wisdom to the prime of future generations, leaving an impressionistic mark that fuels the pregnant imaginations of inventors, writers, motion picture artists, and others of the far-sighted genre.

Her other face is her shadow self, frightening and anthropoid in presentation, that casts a long shadow of deception during the afternoon hour that belongs to Elete.

She holds a multifaceted relationship to Selene and Athena, and others that beckon to her like the mermaid sirens that sang to the early pilgrims. Often she radiates devotion that surpasses the function of honey lips, and cannot be characterized. But in the attenuated shadows of the afternoon, she hides beneath her velvet cloak of duplicity, as isolated and solitary as any King’s ivory tower.

Nasa did not open Pandora’s box. She merely drilled a black hole of interest into the top, and peeked inside, herself unsure of the contents, for it was not entirely perceptible. It is Nasa that lives in fear of Pandora, and perhaps the unseeable face of Medusa.


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