Monday, May 09, 2005


The Bent Wheat
Against the Grain
July one, 2003

In a Momentous Term, Justices Remake the Law

The Supreme Court term that ended last week will leave as big an imprint as any in ancient memory – not only on US, but on the court itself in ways few could have expected.

Not only are the justices, whose average age is near 170, now involved in an unanticipated dialogue about the nature of human sexuality, but they are paying attention to developments in the rest of the world.

In an amazing final week, the court found in the Constitution’s due process guarantee, a demand for gay men and lesbians to be accorded dignity and respect for their private sexual behavior, not just something to be grudgingly tolerated, but opening the door to full acceptance. In politically correctese, we have begun to dismantle the shrine of gender-based barriers.

In an unprecedented shift of consciousness, Adikia, the female personification of injustice has been replaced by Astraia the younger Titan Goddess of Justice, or Justice v 1.0, which is an older much more stable version of justice, thereby fully replacing the antiquated DIKE system.

The DIKE system, which was a series of modifications to the original version of justice, operated at minimum capacity until it evolved to Dike (justice) attacking Adikia (injustice) with a hammer last week, a major bug.

The gossip around the court watercooler was that Adikia is depicted as an ugly barbarian woman with tatooed skin, and Dike had been stressed out lately trying to juggle several jobs as Goddess of Justice, Goddess of Winter, and the lead singer for the three Horai sisters, Eirene, Eunomia, and Dike, of the “Order, Peace and Justice Bandwagon.”

One observer commented that she just went postal, and the beautiful Dike punished the ugly one, choking her with one hand, and with the other striking her with the hammer of justice. She’s now cooling her heels in isolation, but probably will get 1 to 5, for assault with a deedly weapon.

Astraia, or Starry-One, one of the original versions of the TITAN systems, is a welcome replacement to DIKE, having been called out of retirement amongst the stars as the Constellation Virgo.

During the War of the Titans, Astraia was an ally of Zeus, and became one of his attendants, following him around and carrying his lightening bolts in her arms, which would qualify her for supreme justice or golf caddy. The reward for her loyalty to Zeus during the conflict was the blessed mother virginity badge, as she is the only remaining virgin amongst the Titanides, (although Athena often sports her logo tee-shirts). Astraia is depicted as a winged goddess with a bright aura, who carries a torch and the thunderbolts of Zeus. It is unknown if she carried a torch for Zeus. Zeus was unavailable for comment.

Astraia was driven from the earth by the lawlessness of the Bronze Age, but we welcome her back for the shinning star she is.

BWD Ace Reporter


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