Just do it!
The BWD in 2003
July two.
Godde$$ Nike – Just do it!
The next Greek Goddess that came to me while I was listening to the radio program, was Nike (victory), I didn’t know why, it just came to me. So I downloaded a picture of Nike and entertained myself putting running shoes on her. I had no idea what I was going to say about Nike, but the athletic shoes looked damn cute! (I had a thing for paper dolls!) That’s when I noticed Nike’s Roman name, Victoria.
Nike is misunderstood, and it’s difficult to get her exact message. She is a winged goddess, which means she is a messenger and she has slim ankles. She is depicted as carrying a lyre and cup, holding an incense burner and flower, holding an incense burner and cup, carrying a sash, and holding a cup and jug pouring a libation over an altar. I guess I selected the latter because Vic and I have enjoyed a few libations over an altar.
Anyway, this is the message from Nike:
O powerful Nike, by men desired,
with adverse breasts to dreadful fury fired,
thee I invoke, whose might alone can quell
contending rage and molestation fell.
‘Tis thine in battle to confer the crown,
the victor’s prize, the mark of sweet renown;
for thou rulest all things, Nike divine!
And glorious strife, and joyful shouts are thine.
Come, mighty Goddess, and thy suppliant bless,
with sparkling eyes, elated with success;
may deeds illustrious thy protection claim,
and find, led on by thee, immortal fame.”
–Orphic Hymn 33 to Nike
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P.S. – July 5
What I have to say about Vic, after her visit in the form of the Godde$$ Nike (Victoria), is that no matter the intensity of events between messages, she never loses her stride. She picked up the conversation where she left off last, this season exactly (week of July 4) two years ago. And her message is still a very determined "Just Do It! Damit!" As in, write the book. I can hear Vic now, saying, "Connections, connections, connections."
YIKES! It’s the Su-mafia.
Editors note:
Seasons seem to be important in simultaneous time, rather than progression of days. There are seasons of consciousness as there are seasons of nature.
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