Lucid Dream States
The BWD in 2003
July 2
Lucid Dream States
Von Braschler, the author of Conversations with the Dream Mentor, was the guest on Tuesday night. "You feel like you're totally awake for the first time; ironically it's when you're asleep," Braschler said about lucid dreaming. He suggested this kind of controlled dreaming could be induced by conscious intent and self-hypnosis.
Becoming lucid or aware that he's dreaming while in the dream state was just a first step for Braschler. Even though he could attain the lucid state, he felt directionless while in it. It was at this point he sought out a dream teacher who could guide him through new experiences. Interestingly, his teacher is a non-physical being who inhabits the dreamscape. To invite a dream mentor into your life, Braschler suggested a meditation where you "visualize a clean white slate," and then use symbolic pictures to convey what you are looking to explore. [My note: or clean black slate for direct connect to essence.]
"I've certainly gone to places that aren't of this world," Braschler said of his adventures in the dream world, where there are "realms within realms." In one such journey, he told of visiting "heaven," but it wasn't what one would expect. It was a "frightening place," he said, where angelic beings and overlords were pushing carts in a "kind of enslaved" manner underneath a huge waterfall of light.
I posted that little recap above, because that was the radio show I had chosen to listen to last night, in fact, I didn’t tune in until 11:11, because at that exact moment I was inspired to turn the radio on, having missed more than an hour of the show. But lo and behold, I had tuned in at the exact right moment to hear Von, the guest speaker for the evening. And I’m not using that term “speaker” lightly, because that is exactly what he was.
As he was speaking, I began getting messages, which I wrote down, thinking I was taking notes for a possible BWD, and I was, only not the one I was anticipating. I wanted to write about Lucid Waking, which is knowing you are dreaming while you are awake. In other words “you dream up in the wake, and start consciously creating physical reality.”
But then the strangest thing happened, Von said he was a student of Madame Blavatsky and Theosophy, and I got the flash that it was Lawrence with a message, and then I woke up to the fact that I was having a waking dream in the moment and was aware. I thought I had detected a familiar energy, and indeed I had.
The methods Von described sounded very much like the methods Vic experimented with, but she threw me a few more clues, some that I have not researched as yet. Something called Sumadi [sp?] dreamers, Hindu master dreamers, and Native American Dream Walkers, and yes she said exactly Dream Walkers. So I get the impression that Vic is dream teaching, which would be a Sumafi trait, although there was a lot of Gramada orange present.
He described his first dream mentor, a woman with an extremely friendly but unique personality. I don’t remember the words exactly. But he tells the story above about his first escorted trip to heaven, which he did not like. And he said the guide took him there, but would not stay, cause she didn’t like it either. That would be the idea of religious heaven, with shopping carts, and Vic would not like either religious heaven or shopping. Von said that particular heaven felt very manipulative and controlled, and this made him uncomfortable, even though it was clean and brilliant white with angelic beings and overlords, the people seemed to be preoccupied and robot like, and he felt overpowered.
[Good description for imagery Vic, overlords or authority lords/gods.]
He said the guides do not have names, but lots of personality, and this first guide would give him riddles to solve. She was a little upset that he couldn’t seem to “get it” at first, but would tell him he had all the time in the world to figure it out, something akin to Elias’ “it’s not a race.” He said she finally because frustrated with him, and told him she would send her guide, and never returned. The new guide was a man, and the description sounded like the “Big Blue Dot” himself, but I questioned it.
Then the first hour took a station break, and when it returned a man had called in saying that he fell asleep listening to Von, and instantly had a lucid dream. It was regarding a baby with very bright blue eyes that appeared watery. BINGO!
I’m starting to get that wavy appearance to my reality also, like some things are not solid. One of the things Von suggested is to try to look through things like walls and doors, which is something that Vic and I had a long face to face conversation about in Huntsville, and something she knew how to do. I have been able to take pictures of disappearing walls and pussycats, and now I am practicing changing my focus by using the Magic Eye computer generated 2d/3d images.
Von mentioned that any question presented will be answered in the most patient of manner, but one has to ask. It requires energized conscious intent. Most important, stay in the now, and pay attention. (Elias is like a broken record at times.)
BTW – Von calls these guides Helper. (Maybe Seth was there too!)
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