Monday, May 09, 2005

Chaos Theory

Phanes (pains/sensation) was one of the first born, a primary god of fragmentation and a driving force behind reproduction in the universe. Phanes, was the first “King of the Hill” and passed his scepter of power to Nyx (night), his only child, who in turn gave it to her son Uranus (sky).

I never thought of pain as being a god, much less having a kingship (boundaries). He is imaged as a beautiful golden (yellow) winged (message) deity, but subjective and invisible even to the gods. So, what’s so great about Phanes, and his first cousin aches?

Then I remembered a story I read about a little boy who could not feel pain. Maybe the boy in the bubble that Paul Simon sings to. He was a boy kept in a bubble of protection because he couldn’t communicate with the god Phanes. Phanes is a messenger god, under the auspicious of Iris, Goddess of the Rainbow, the chief (HMFIC) messenger from the gods to the mortals.

It’s no coincidence that the eye (perception) has at its center an iris that regulates the amount of light entering the eye. Another definition of iris, according to my American Heritage, is:

3. A rainbow or rainbowlike display of colors.

Iris is a focal point, and Phanes works for her as a yellow messenger. Iris also has a close association to the Muses, each female representing a particular ray of the rainbow. Color is a designation of the wavelength or vibration, but it also is, according to my American Heritage:

8. colors. One's opinion or position: Stick to your colors.
9. Often colors. Character or nature: revealed their true colors.
11.a. Variety of expression. b. Vivid, picturesque detail: a story with a great deal of color in it.
12. Traits of personality or behavior that attract interest.

Anyway, not to get off track here, back to Phanes, the important dude. Kronos (linear time), the youngest son of Gaia and Uranus and great grandson of Phanes, was one of the 12 Titans (colossal size), and in the batch of kids that produced specific forces other than, elements, demons, gargoyles, monsters and other things that go bump in the Nyx (night).

Of the Titan marriage of earth and sky, born were six males and six female counterparts.

Titanes (elder male Titans)

Kronos – King of the Titans and god of linear time.
Hyperion – God of observation
Iapetos – God of voice and thought
Koios – God of questioning intellect.
Krios – God of mastery and lordship. (Perhaps nice words for control. Mastery – self control. Lordship – control of others.)
Okeanos – An ancient elemental god, and god of the earth-encircling river (flow), the source of all fresh water on earth.

Titanides (counterpart elder female Titans)

Rhea – Queen of the Titans, and the goddess of the fertility of the female body.
Mnemosyne – Goddess of remembrance, words and language, and mother of the Muses.
Gold crowned (yellow) Phoibe – Goddess of answering intellect, and wife of Koios, questioning intellect. (Pairing of intellect and intuition?)
Theia – Goddess of sight (vision) and by extension, goddess of the value placed on gold, silver, and gems, (worth).
Themis – Goddess of law and custom.
Lovely Tethys – Goddess of nursing the young and Goddess of underground sources of water (flow).

The six Titan males all participated in the overthrow of Uranus (sky), but it was Kronos that cut off his balls (potency) and tossed them into the sea, thereby taking the heritage of Phanes (power) for himself. For it was Uranus that first thought of doing shameful things, according to Gaia, and deserved to be punished. (Sound familiar Loreena?) Nowdays, we just wait for them to die of prostrate cancer.

Okeanos (riverflow) ruled for a while, but then Kronos overthrew him, and linear time rules! It is rumored that was the golden age of mankind during the rule of King Kronos, Queen Rhea, and all those lusty nights (knights). Camelot. Camelot.

But then along came Zeus (the contriver) from the last batch of kids of earth and sky (the 12 Olympians). Zeus is a prince (fair-haired boy) of the queen mother.

The Titanes were possessive of their power, and refused to share it with the younger generation of gods and goddesses. In fear of a prophecy that he would be overthrown by an offspring, Kronos demonstrated this possessiveness by swallowing each child of Rhea as it was born, save the youngest Zeus. Rhea got Kronos stoned, and then fed him a disguised Rocky Mountain Bar instead of Zeus, which I’m sure went straight to his kidneys (kid-needs) and lodged as a phanesful stone.

Zeus went on the lamb for many years, but then led the ten-year (tenure) rebellion against the Titanes. Zeus got Kronos to cough up all his brothers and sisters, and the Titanes were overthrown and some cast into Tartaros (H-E-double hockysticks).

Zeus cut off Kronos’ powerballs, swallowed them, and damned him to hell; now standard procedure for the royal upgrade from prince to king v.5.2, and preferred method to win the brass ring of the power of Phanes.

But later Zeus felt guilty about that and released all the imprisoned Titanes like; observation, voice and thought, questioning intellect, and control2. He upgraded the old Titan Kronos to king of the Elysian Islands (happy-ass land of the favored dead) to rule over the shades of the Heroes. Zeus never imprisoned the daughters of Gaia (Titanides) or Okeanos, because they remained neutral during the conflict. But that’s another story.

Back to Phanes. Phanes was hatched from the world egg, or worldview potential, when it was split into parts or separations by the ancient god Chronos (simultaneous time), another primary god. Phanes is the son of Chronos and Ananke (compulsion). Maybe it is all about the phanes of separation.

It all began with Khaos, the first ancient elemental goddess to emerge at the creation of this universe. Khaos was the lower atmosphere of the earth – air, mist and fog, a.k.a. vapor. Her name means gap or void, for she filled the gap between heaven and earth. She is the grandmother of all incorporeal deities of the air.

Chaos, the Sponge Bob Consciousness interpretation of Khaos, is a different interpretation similar to an eternal random head-butting contest that mysteriously produces order.

But then, this is my interpretation of the story of creation, and it’s all Greek to me.


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