Monday, May 09, 2005

Social Graces

The BWD in 2003
July 10

The Violet Connection

(Here comes the violet connection, although I still don’t know what it means. The muses and the Kharites all have violet eyes. Sometimes they have violet hair.)

Kharites - Social Graces
Grace, Beauty and Favor.

The goddesses of beauty, mirth, and festive good-cheer, and close companions of the nine muses. The mighty trio: Aglaia, Euphrosyne & Thalia.

“Hail holy Kharites, companions of the Moisai, enthroned in splendour.” –Pindar Paean 3

"And Eurynome, the daughter of Okeanos, beautiful in form, bare him [Zeus] three fair-cheeked Kharites (Graces), Aglaia, and Euphrosyne, and lovely Thaleia, from whose eyes as they glanced flowed love that unnerves the limbs: and beautiful is their glance beneath their brows." -Theogony 907

"Hai Kharites gumnai (the Graces are naked): because it is necessary for them to give delight easily and openly; or because those who lack the gifts of the Kharites are deprived of their own adornment." -Suidas 'Hai Kharites gumnai'

“Let us be merry and drink wine and sing of Bakkhos, the inventor of the choral dance, the lover of all songs, leading the same life as the Erotes, the darling of Kythere; thanks to him Methe (Drunkenness) was brought forth, the Kharis was born, Lupa (Pain) takes rest and Ania (Trouble) goes to sleep.” -Greek Lyric II The Anacreontea Frag 38

“Kharis (Grace or Beauty), who brings fulfilment all things for men’s delight, granting honour again, many a time makes things incredible seem true.” –Pindar Olympian 1 st2

Now, I can’t really figure out from all that I read, just who is who of the Kharites. What I get is, one is the lead singer, and the other two are backups. Like Diana Ross and what’s their names.

I pick Thalia for the lead singer, cause she’s the darling of harmony, and I’m into darlings. I think Euphrosyne is like breathtakingly beautiful but the mentality of Barbie, and Aglaia is takebreathingly beautiful, with revered wisdom. And in-between them is the darling of harmony, the maker of mirth, Thalia.

It’s like Grace and Beauty are cool, but everybody wants Favor. Thalia is favor, or the favorite. And I notice that Seth and Elias both refer to the Ilda family as the favorites. But I also think this refers to our favorite things to do. What pleases us most. Our social artistry.

This is how I read the Greek quotes above:

Once upon a time.

There was these three fair-haired chicks named Grace, who look like supermodels, or perhaps Charlies Angels. But…but…

Hai Kharites GUMNAI!

The Graces are NAKED!


And maybe just for that reason alone, everybody wants to be merry and drink wine and sing about dance. But nevertheless, Methe seems to be at the head of the table and the father of the three chicks all named Grace. And it is the three Graces that bring value fulfillment for men’s delight, and makes things that seem incredible seem true. It also puts pain at rest and trouble goes to sleep.

Doesn’t that sound like just about the best party you’ve ever been to?

But this is only a part time job for Thaila, she also plays the part of drunk girl on Saturday Night Live.

Thaila plays a lot of parts.


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