Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Mark Too

In a message dated 2/23/03 2:26:07 PM, writes:

Dear Editor of BWD,

Aren't you Mark Twain or did I hallucinate that one?


Sister Aimee >>

Dear Sister Aimee;
Thank you for the inquiry.
Mark Twain never was,
He’s just an aspect of Samuel cause,
Samuel was such a wimp.
Weak, spiritless and limp.
In order to make Sam so great
we all had to hallucinate.
And we called it Mark.

L.F. Deale Bf.D

Session 1295
March 17, 2003

JOANNE: Oh, I have to ask this, because I’ve really been giving myself a hard time. Is Jim/Marion Mark Twain?

ELIAS: No. The individual does incorporate observing essence in partial focus, not entire.

JOANNE: I knew when I’d gotten the impression there was something different, like a split personality almost between Samuel Clemens and Mark Twain. I knew that Jim had something to do with it, and I sort of just summed it up as he was Mark Twain. I wouldn’t have been surprised to find out that someone else was also Mark Twain.

MARJ: Like Sharon.

JOANNE: Like Sharon/Camdon had something to do with that whole...

ELIAS: Both of these individuals do incorporate a focus that is associated with that individual.

MARJ: So they have focuses associated with, in addition to the observing essence?

ELIAS: Correct, and do incorporate a type of relationship with that individual.

JOANNE: Sharon thought that she... I’ll let her talk to you about that; I don’t really know all the details. Okay, so there was something there, cool.

Editor’s note:

See I told you I wasn’t Mark Twain.

I just fucked with him.

Now he’s fucking with me.

Poetic Justice.


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