Wednesday, October 05, 2005

I have way too much free time!

I have a theory. I think people get sick as an excuse to take drugs. That's a hard way to go, cause drugs are so much better when you're not sick.

Someone accused me of using bad words. I don't know how words get bad. They are simply sounds, with judgment. Maybe they don't wipe their muddy feet before entering.

Speaking of evil. There is no evil. What would that be? Murder? Thou shalt not kill? That's not even number one on the top ten morality list, in order of importance. You'll be going straight to hell for a graven image anyway. Who's without graven image? I have three, maybe four, myself. See ya in hell!

I'm so lucky not to have any kids to worry about, or feel guilty over. I have some offspring, but they create their own reality. They have shifty kids, but it isn't my problem. What I do have, is a life.

I don't understand that belief about no pain, no gain. What is the point? Those with the most toys win? Win what? The chance to go to heaven and be bored as hell?

Just imagine Mormon heaven where the only color is white. No more green jello! Damn!

I think it is so interesting that authority figures point fingers at authority figures. They obviously hold a belief in authority figures. I, however, create my own reality.

I used to live for a relationship, but I wasn't having that much fun working that hard at it. And the relationship, which is not a person, but a limitation of expectation, went on permanent vacation in Europe using my credit cards. I consider that ID theft. Who should I complain to?


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