Friday, July 22, 2005

Session 174

ELIAS: (Grinning and chuckling) As you disengage this physical focus in the action of what you term to be death, you shall enter a new country. This country shall hold a new language to you; which you shall spend, to your way of thinking, a time period adjusting to and learning this new language, just as you would similarly were you to relocate your physical self within this present now to another country upon your planet. In this, initially you shall retain some of your objective awareness; that which is tuned to this physical existence and is continuing to hold belief systems; this being the purpose of this transitional time period, to be undressing yourself of your belief systems. At this point, as you have shed your objective awareness and your belief systems, you shall move into an area of non-physical awareness and existence. In this area, you may choose from a myriad of elements of consciousness.

In this, as I have expressed in like manner to physically moving to another country upon your planet, you shall acclimate yourself to this new area of consciousness which shall specialize in certain endeavors, that which you are choosing to occupy your attention with; just as if you are relocating from your present country to Switzerland. You shall acclimate yourself to the terrain and the climate and the new language, but you shall not be incorporating the culture of Japan. You shall be incorporating the culture of Switzerland; this being in like manner to non-physical focus.

It is a belief system which is perpetuated by your religious beliefs, that as you “cross over to your other side,” which is not another side, (humorously) that you shall be all-knowing of all of the universe, and you shall be infinitely creating of whatever you are desiring of; this being the belief system of your enlightenment, your nirvana, your heaven, or what have you. In actuality, consciousness and essence seeks to explore itself continuously. It is within a continuous motion of becoming. There is no limit. There is no boundary to this action of becoming, and as you continue the action of becoming, you perpetuate the becoming. Therefore, you create the becoming as you accomplish the becoming. Therefore, how may you know all, as you have not created all yet? (Smiling)


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