Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Session 509

I have a dream that I’d like to ask you about. It was a very out-of-the-ordinary dream for me because I was in China. If I dream that I’m someplace other than in the United States, it’s usually England or France or someplace like that. Anyway, this was in China, and I was traveling with a group. We were moving; it was very clear to me that we were going from the northern border of China directly south.

We were on a bus in the first part of the dream. Then we got to a hotel for the night. But then things began getting very confusing. I got into my room, and my room had very blue walls, which I would think you might have had something to do with ‘cause these were just bright blue walls. I couldn’t find where the rest room for this room was, where the bathroom was. I could hear water coming from the room next door – I could hear the sound of water – but I had no connecting door. And then I did find, on the other wall to my left, I found a bathroom there, and then I had a door.

And then the next thing that happened was that I went to decide what I was going to wear the next day, and I realized that on the entire trip, I hadn’t brought a suitcase, I hadn’t brought any clothes, and that upset me. And then there seemed to be a situation with food, and how we were going to eat and where we were going to eat, and it didn’t seem to get solved.

I couldn’t figure out ... in the dream, I was trying to figure out what town I was in, although I had seemed to have known that very well, and I kept thinking Beijing, but I knew I wasn’t in Beijing, and as I woke up, I was still in this very confused state.

The thought occurred to me that it might have been a focus of mine – I’m going to ask you a little more about that after a while – and then I thought it might have been a metaphor for death, because you had talked about how death or disengagement is like going to another country. Can you shed any light on this for me?

ELIAS: This is not the expression or bleed-through of another focus.


ELIAS: What you have presented to yourself in this is the imagery concerning familiarity and the lack of familiarity, and you are correct in part – this also is expressed in symbology of the subject of what you term to be death, in that you have offered yourself the expression of imagery of how you search temporarily for those elements that appear to you objectively to be necessities and to be familiarities, and recognizable.

In this, you look to certain elements of the imagery as you are searching for or creating difficulty in obtaining those elements that you identify as necessities of life, so to speak – your lodging, your sustenance; also your conveniences, in your water closet.


ELIAS: And you also hold importance in the identification of your location, for this allows you a sense of bearing, so to speak. But although you recognize within the dream imagery that the location is known to you, its identification also escapes you.


ELIAS: This is the symbology that you offer to yourself in movement into this unfamiliar country – that you move into this area of consciousness subsequent to disengagement of physical focus or what you term to be death, and your physical objective imagery continues, but it is not entirely familiar.

There are what appear to be differences, and certain elements within that reality which previously appeared to be necessary do not appear to be quite as necessary, although you magnate in the direction of wishing them to BE necessary.

MARGOT: I see. I understand that completely. Thank you so much!

ELIAS: You are quite welcome.


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