Friday, June 03, 2005

Self Government Document

Highly secret information

Warning: This information includes the words enlightenment, school, ancient, secret, and wisdom.

For your eyes only

The Illuminati Defined - Ancient Secret Wisdom

(translation: The Illuminated explained in 5 easy steps.)


1. To Notice
v. (action)
To accord emphasis, to emphasize, italicize, accent, accentuate, feature, focus on, highlight, mark, play up, point, punctuate, set off, spotlight, stress, underline or underscore. Common usage: Notice, notice, notice.

The Nym mind fuck -
Anto Nym - de-emphasize, play down, underplay, or constantly judge what you notice as bad/good or right/wrong.


2. To Translate
v. (action)
To make clear or clearer, explain, clarify, delineate, formulate, disambiguate, elucidate, explicate, illustrate, interpret, spell out, or define. Common usage: to translate the information that you noticed through your own beliefs filter.

The Nym mind fuck -
Anto Nym - obfuscate, confuse. Common usage: get on the hamster wheel.


3. To Direct
v. (action)
To enable to understand, enlighten, edify, educate, illumine, improve, irradiate, uplift, guide, instruct, direct, school, show, teach, train, or tutor. Common usage: get off the hamster wheel and make a choice.

The Nym mind fuck -
Anto Nym - mystify, perplex, bewilder, and confound. Common usage: Confused, confused, confused. Why am I creating this?


4. To Objectify
v. (action)
To illustrate with drawings, prints, or engravings, illustrate with a picture. Common usage: projection of physical reality.
v. (action)
To make manifest or noticeable feature, emphasize, bring out, develop, display, focus on, set off, spotlight.

No Nym mind funk - fuck with it yourself. Common usage: abstract imagery.


5. Value Fulfillment
v. (action)
To provide, cover, or fill with brightness, light, brighten, illumine. Common usage: This is the best fucking thing I've ever created.

The Nym mind fuck -
Anto Nym - darken. Common usage: This is the best worst fucking thing I've ever created.


Highly Confidential Source: (also known as deep throat)
Roget's Deluxe Thesaurus, see: illuminate

(However, no definition found for "thesaurus". See Geek dictionary.)

Geek dictionary:

The Saurus
Classification: Nym ph

Young and beautiful female spirit of trees, water and other aspects of nature. Neither human nor immortal. Also known as the Syno Nym. Most distinguishable attribute is a large set of freedom wings and the ability of ease of movement. This unusual creature has the innate ability to see other options, and choose from many, many, different choices.

The Nym mind fuck -
Anto Nym - A large carnivorous dinosaur of the reference type.


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