Lost in Translation
VICKI [asking a question on Mary’s behalf]: ‘I would like to know about the level of distortion through a channel, and how much distortion is involved with me.’
Original English Text:
ELIAS: Interesting question! I have discussed this issue previously. Many individuals incorporate much distortion. I will also express to you all, that given even what you would view to be a perfect channel, as you would express, there will always be an element of distortion, for you incorporate language. Therefore, the concepts must be turned and molded to fit to your language, to which you may understand.
Translated to French:
ELIAS : Question intéressante ! J'ai discuté cette issue
précédemment. Beaucoup d'individus incorporent beaucoup de
déformation. Je vous exprimerai également tout, ce donné même ce
que vous visualiseriez pour être un canal parfait, car vous
exprimeriez, là serez toujours un élément de déformation, parce
que vous incorporez le langage. Par conséquent, les concepts doivent
être tournés et moulés à l'ajustement à votre langage, auquel
vous pouvez comprendre.
Translated back to English:
ELIAS: Interesting question! I discussed this exit previously. Many
individuals incorporate much deformation. I will also express you all,
this given even what you would visualize to be a perfect channel,
because you would express, there will be always an element of
deformation, because you incorporate the language. Consequently, the
concepts must be turned and moulded with the adjustment with your
language, to which you can include/understand.
Translated to German:
ELIAS: Interessante Frage! Ich behandelte diesen Ausgang vorher. Viele
Einzelpersonen enthalten viel Deformation. Ich drücke Sie allen auch
aus, dieses gegeben, sogar was Sie sichtbar machen würden, um zu sein
eine vollkommene Führung, weil Sie ausdrücken würden, dort sind
immer ein Element der Deformation, weil Sie die Sprache enthalten.
Infolgedessen müssen die Konzepte mit der Justage mit Ihrer Sprache
gedreht werden und geformt werden, zu der Sie include/understand
Translated back to English:
ELIAS: Interesting question! I treated this output beforehand. Many
individuals contain much deformation. I also express you all, this
given, even which visible you would make, around to be a perfect
guidance, because you would express, there am always an item of the
deformation, because you contain the language. Consequently the
concepts with the adjustment with your language must be turned and
formed, to which you can include/understand.
Translated to Italian:
ELIAS: Domanda interessante! Ho trattato in anticipo questa uscita.
Molti individui contengono molta deformazione. Egualmente li esprimo
tutti, questo dato, persino che visibile fareste, intorno per essere
un consiglio perfetto, perché esprimereste, là sempre un articolo
della deformazione, perché contenete il linguaggio. Di conseguenza i
concetti con la registrazione con il vostro linguaggio devono essere
girati e formati, a cui potete include/understand.
Translated back to English:
ELIAS: Interesting question! I have dealt in advance payment this
escape. Many individuals contain much deformation. Equally I express
them all, this data, that even visible you would make, around for
being a perfect council, because you would express, here always an
article of the deformation, because you contain the language.
Consequently the concepts with the recording with your language must
be turn to you and form to you, to which you can include/understand.
Translated to Portuguese:
ELIAS: Pergunta interessante! Eu tenho negociado adiantado o pagamento
este escape. Muitos indivíduos contêm muita deformação.
Ingualmente eu expresso-os todos, estes dados, que visível uniforme
você faria, ao redor sendo um conselho perfeito, porque você
expressaria, aqui sempre um artigo da deformação, porque você
contem a língua. Conseqüentemente os conceitos com a gravação com
sua língua devem ser-lhe volta e formulário a você, a que você
pode include/understand.
Translated back to English:
ELIAS: Interesting question! I have negotiated the payment in advance
this escape. Many individuals contain much deformation. Ingualmente I
express them all, these data, that visible uniform you would make,
around being a perfect advice, because you it would express, here
always an article of the deformation, because you they will count the
language. Consequently the concepts with the writing with its language
must be to it rollback and form you, the one that you can
Translated to Spanish:
ELIAS: ¡Pregunta interesante! He negociado el pago por adelantado este
escape. Muchos individuos contienen mucha deformación. Ingualmente I
expreso ellos toda, estos datos, que el uniforme visible usted
haría, alrededor de ser un consejo perfecto, porque usted que
expresaría, aquí siempre un artículo de la deformación, porque
usted ellos contará el lenguaje. Por lo tanto los conceptos con la
escritura con su lenguaje deben ser a él restauración no actualizada
y formarle, el que usted puede include/understand.
Translated back to English:
ELIAS: Interesting question! I have negotiated the payment in advance
this escape. Many individuals contain much deformation. Ingualmente I
express they everything, these data, that the visible uniform you
would do, around being a perfect advice, because you that you would
express, here always an article of the deformation, because you they
will count the language. Therefore the concepts with the writing with
their language must be to him updated restoration and not form to him,
the one that you can include/understand.
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